Thursday, July 3, 2008

Reluctant Blogger

OK, I give up! I'll come kicking and screaming into this century! LOL

As a pastor, I am blessed to have 30-somethings in the congregation. They all blog. At first I thought they said they clog (the Appalachian dance). They explained to me that blog was a way to communicate and network with the WORLD!

So. . . here I am, blogging. It doesn't seem painful so. . . ok.

Next issue: What to blog ABOUT? And, perhaps you can help with this. I am a female pastor of a non-denominational holy-spirit filled bible-believing church. (Can we get that on a bumper sticker?) So, you can imagine the topics I would like to blog about.

God is amazing.
Jesus is Lord.
The Bible is fascinating.
The Holy Spirit is powerful.
People on God are awesome.
Yes. . . women can pastor, preach, all that stuff.
No. . . I don't care if you disagree on any of these. They are all true whether you believe it or not.

Hey, I just remembered what I didn't like about blogging. It tends to make people think about themselves too much. (My, my, mine, mine, me, me, want to see my thoughts, you need to know what I think, I'm important!!) Therefore, unless asked a direct question, I'll try to make this about others.

See, God is all about thinking of others and not ourselves. He takes care of us and we take care of others and together, everyone gets care. Too simple? That's the kingdom of God. . . easy.

If you're a woman in ministry, let me know and if you've been hurt in church let me know (no names please), and if you want to know more about the Holy Spirit, let me know.

Later bloggers.

1 comment:

sean said...

Nice! I like the colors you chose. Let me know if I can be of assistance with anything on here.

God bless!